Friday, 24 October 2014

Pixel Burst

I gave the pixel burst technique another go because I thought that it looked over-edited. I tried it again with a plain background and tried to give more of a fade on the burst and think that my second result looks better. I am going to have another go at this with one of my own images that I will later upload and compare to my previous attempts.

1 comment:

  1. The photoshop work which features on your blog is good. It shows some high levels of skill. The work is however incomplete. your blog should include the following: text as brushes, images into text, fire effect on text, exploding image.
    Each time you were asked to create more alternative ideas and develop these into mock ups of CD/ DVD covers. This should all be evidenced with screen shots of how they where developed and the design decisions you have made.- Mr Dougan
